Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 reasons I won't follow back on Twitter

Hey there,

So I've been doing some seasonal pruning of Twitter accounts I manage. Realizing that there are general rules I've started following when it comes to following other tweeps back, so I thought I'd share some of 'em.

These are just 10 reasons why I might not follow someone back:
  1. If your profile pic is still the Twitter egg.
  2. If your profile bio is blank.
  3. If you haven't tweeted since 2011 or before.
  4. If the hashtag #TeamFollowBack appears in your bio and/or Tweets.
  5. If you drop the "N" word in your profile or your tweets.
  6. If I don't see you mention or RT other tweeps in your stream, even after scrolling down a reasonable amount.
  7. If you tweet the same content multiple times within a short period of time, which I would put out there as an hour or less.
  8. If the majority of your tweets are sync'ed to your Facebook posts.
  9. If you haven't tweeted at all.
  10. If you tweet in an language other than English, and Google Chrome can't translate.
So there's that. Whada you think?

Do you have any? Please share in the comments,



BRZGW said...

I agree with this 100%

JR said...

Aw, thanks for the comment, BRZGW!!

Dale Danley said...

As someone who actually likes to read my twitter feeds a couple times a day...I absolutely agree!

Unknown said...

Great advice. I mean, come on people, fill out your bios and upload a profile pic! How hard can it be?

JR said...

Thanks Dale!!

And Nat, it somewhat boggles my mind when things that take the least amount of time and you only have to do ONCE, is still too much for some.