Sunday, March 11, 2012

Laura Edwards, I'm in love :-)


One thing about the subject, it is definitely a virtuous and platonic love from one dancer/choreographer to another, although Laura's work is of a caliber I am currently aspiring to.

But now you might be wondering why the declaration of love? So one of my favorite dancers to keep track of (who's actually from the DC/MD/VA area), Jojo Diggs, tweeted a video this morning:
Of course I had to watch.

And there's not anything I could say that isn't more or less summed up by another viewer's comments. Michelle Provacia said:
Things I like about this video:
1. The leading guy has charisma - not attitude
2. The leading girl isn't your 'typical' skinny bombshell dancer
3. The leading guy and girl actually have a connection when dancing
4. That Laura Edwards made a CRAZY good choreography, superbly executed, and well put-together... without putting herself in front and center in the video....
A bunch of great dancers, doing a great feel-good video together, no attitudes... Love it!
 You can catch Michelle's YouTube channel here.

And back to Laura. Thank you for making what was threatening to be a morning struggling to adjust to the time change, a delightful one that I can't wait to get started.

I know, you and the rest of us have little control over when things are shared and viewed, but timing aside, I'm grateful that you created such a beautiful piece. Looking forward to keeping up with your work.

And thank you to Jojo for sharing it this morning.

With Peace, Love, Understanding, and Respect from DC,


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