Sunday, April 28, 2013

Facebook photo upload issues

Hey there,

Encountering issues uploading photos on Facebook? Does this error message look familiar?

Storage Failure
We had trouble storing this photo, please try
again in a few minutes.

Well you're not the only one. Check out this question posted at the Help Center. Just posted a little after 11am EST, it's already got well over a hundred sympathetic "answers" from people experiencing the same issue.

Is this affecting you? Is it not? Did it, but now it's fine? Please share, in the comments.

Curious mind wants to know,


1 comment:

JR said...

Sharing something I posted in the FB forum link/question:

"Think I might've come across a workaround, but this is definitely not an answer to the actual issue at hand. I'm on a MacBook Pro and I imported the desired photos to iPhoto. From there, I shared the event to Facebook, and through that mechanism I created an album.

While all the photos did not show up right away, iPhoto continued to do the work of uploading the images to Facebook, every time I view the sync'ed album in iPhoto, instead of me dealing with that annoying "Storage Failure" message. And I'm happy to report that all 31 photos I selected have now been uploaded to Facebook in an album."