Saturday, December 14, 2019

Regarding Diversity Nonprofit Boards

When talking about diversity and nonprofit boards, if you reference and/or share nothing else, here are 4 quotes and sources I recommend anchor any conversation you have.
Having a board with diverse perspectives is critically important. Each person will bring his or her own personal and professional contacts and life experiences to their service on a nonprofit board. With a diversity of experience, expertise, and perspectives, a nonprofit is in a stronger position to plan for the future, manage risk, make prudent decisions, and take full advantage of opportunities. A diverse board that is also sensitive to cultural differences is usually one that has a stronger capacity to attract and retain talented board members - as well as to be in touch with community needs. 
 - Diversity on Nonprofit Boards, National Council of Nonprofits
As stewards of the public good, all social sector organizations, regardless of mission, are called on to embrace and celebrate our common humanity, and the inherent worth of all people. In doing so, we must also acknowledge that a climate of growing intolerance and inequity is a challenge to our democratic values and ideals. Divisions along economic, racial, religious, and political lines have created an increasingly polarized society in need of healing. And the complex issues and dynamics at the intersection of race, class, gender, and sexuality call for deeper thinking as we seek to understand each other. 
 - Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity, BoardSource
Although nonprofit board members are aware of the importance of diversity and inclusion, they lack the knowledge, skills, resources, and commitment needed to turn that awareness into action, a report from executive recruiting firm Koya Leadership Partners argues. Based on an online survey of board or executive committee members at more than a hundred nonprofits, the report, The Governance Gap: Examining Diversity and Equity in Nonprofit Boards of Directors (42 pages, PDF), found a significant gap between respondents' intention to increase diversity and the actions they've taken to do so. 
 - Report Urges Nonprofit Boards to Turn Diversity Awareness Into Action, Philanthropy News Digest 
Whether we like it or not, nonprofit and foundation boards wield a tremendous amount of influence on this work. And whether we intend to or not, the lack of board diversity trickles down and has some wide-ranging consequences...Because of the self-reinforcing cycle, mostly-white boards are likelier to hire white EDs/CEOs, who then are likelier to hire white staff, so now there’s lack of staff diversity in the sector as well. 
 - 7 Things You Can Do to Improve the Sad, Pathetic State of Board Diversity, Nonprofit AF

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